My favorite type of content is personal stories and anecdotes, whether they are about personal finance, investing, writing, art, or anything else. I like the stories more than the straight-up explanations (though I still like your explanations!). I am especially interested in hearing stories about lessons you learned and how you learned them. A lot of the perspective of the blog is you showing your knowledge / perspective, but any time you tell stories that show me how you arrived at those convictions / knowledge, I am more keyed in. I have heard a lot of financial advice over the years from a million different sources, good bad and ugly, and I suppose I tune in more when the opinions / insights are tied to the speaker's personal failures / lessons learned that ground those opinions. (Again, not that you don't already do this, I'm just saying when you do do it I get more emotionally invested in the broader ideas you elucidate). Though maybe I am biased as a friend who misses a friend and simply loves hearing stories about my friend... 🤔... Still, though, I think I'd stand behind this comment even if I didn't know you.

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Dig this. OK I can get way too personal! (Watch out!)



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It would be helpful if you could talk about how you analyze investments--where you find the info about debt, profit, etc. Some kind of tutorial maybe.

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You bet. Thanks, Aaron!

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